I have formulated this ratio... Breasts in the public, that is to say clothed and "holstered" in a brazier are about 80 percent brazier and 20 percent breast.
In general breasts in a bra bare no relation to breasts out of a bra. General speaking cleavage is a bra created phenomenon. There are so many styles of bras and accessories for bras to change or more appropriately enhance breasts as to be staggering. There is the high lift "push up bra" the Water Bra with the little pouch of water hidden in the cups, the Wonderbra apparently conceived on a cad scope somewhere using 137 different panels for the construction of the cups, the padded bra then there is the little chicken cutlet silicon thingies you can buy to slip in to the bra. There is breast tape... the list goes on and on. It seems to easy to have great looking breasts in a bra why then do I see so many women with... ummm.... well... err... bad looking breasts in a bra. The obvious is the bra that is too small and squeezes the breast out the top or the bottom of the cup. I am sorry ladies Boob Splooge is not attractive. The bra that is too large around and fails to support the breast at all leaving it looking like a pita bread with some filling spilling over the top. The bra that is too tight around the chest which causes more of the muffin phenomenon ala tight hip hugger pants. There is the bra that is really just a bra in name only it does nothing what-so-ever for the breast in either support or modesty coverage. These typically allow the nipple to show rather freely. I am unsure how I feel about that. On the face of it I like it plenty... but then it makes me uncomfortable wondering if the woman knows she has her high beams blinding people. And what if she finds out what is she going to do? I imagine there are women who like the idea. I suppose there is sort of nothing to do about it really. I have seen the little silicon nipple inserts for bras. I saw one woman who looked like she could lean up against a half inch plate glass window and cut holes in it. In some communities bras are less worn by women. These are the same communities that don't have too big a market for ladies razors either. I have seen some guys who look like they could benefit from wearing a bra. Bras cover up a multitude of different breast shapes and sizes and homogenize them. I wonder if there are Bra Spotters, like Train Spotters. Guys who are so keen eyed that they can say She is wearing a Maidenform in style X size 34 C or a Bally or a Victoria's Secret or Playtex.
1 comment:
Wow you really like breasts. You have a lot of posts regarding them. LOL and they say woman have "penis" envy, you have breast envy.
(Just teasing)
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