Wednesday, February 17, 2010


First up; I am listening to the Bob and Tom radio show on occasion. The have "hipped" me to theses to funny websites.

Texts from Last night


It was over when...

Next; I was trolling my favorite blog and she appears to have set up remote surveillance in my head. She was describing the 'voices' in her head. I was floored when I read on her blog the words of the voices in my head. It was a chilling experience. I could not believe it. The "not good enough", "the failure", "the fraud" it was uncanny. I often wonder how it is that no one else can hear what goes on in my head. The voice, that inner voice, is so loud, so constant so critical. I constantly wonder when some one is going to figure me out and then all the cards will fall and that will be that and I will live out my days under a bridge somewhere.
I think that being unemployed for so long is making this worse.
I am hopeful about two opportunities but I can feel it coming, the We figured you out. We heard the Voices, don't call here again.

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