Friday, January 16, 2009

Some people...

I wrote in my warning bit on the side bar about humorless fuckwitts that get offended to easily… There is one of these fuckwitts in Notasulga Alabama. Apparently there is a cat that used to hang out in this tiny little town’s post office. It seems that a resident of the town that didn’t like the cat hanging out in the post office, citing something about the post office being a federal building and the cat not paying federal taxes which offended this fuckwitt sufficiently to write a letter to the postmaster to have the cat banned from the premises. This fuckwitt must have said something pretty powerful because the postmaster did indeed ban the cat from the building. I would have to lump the postmaster in with the offended fuckwitt for even taking this sort of thing even remotely seriously. But I don’t know what sort of Gloria Allred sort of legal B.S. may have been contained in this letter so I will reserve judgment on that issue. It seems, though, that the town feels the same way I do. They have gotten together and taken action to get the cat (Sammy) back into the post office. One woman rented a post office box in the cats name to expedite the cause. Nowhere did I see the name of the fuckwitt. I have to imagine that the fuckwitt is too afraid to be known or too embarrassed… or both. There must not be any money in it for them… this time.

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