Saturday, November 30, 2024

Woke Relations - Government - How the Left was Lost (Part 2)

    How the Left was lost   (Part 2)

    The Left has not only abandoned the morals that America has come to stand for but they have abandoned the Ethical values that America should stand for on the world stage.

    This video of a Ms. Tulsi Gabard regarding America's responsibility to the world, not so much as The World Police but as the World Leader in Peace. It is an outstanding interview with Dr. Phil. It is truly revelatory. The answers that she delivers are so well though out, concise and informationally dense. These are the answers that so completely elude Camela Word Salad Harris. Each answer Tulsi Gabard's delivers is a ten course meal of an answer as apposed to the side salad of answers delivered by Camela Word Salad Harris, ever, in any interview even the softball slow pitch lobed questions asked by MSNBC or CNN. It sounds, by listening to her, that Camela wasn't burdened by an over-abundance of schooling nor the oft mentioned unburdened of what has been. Unfortunately for Camela Word Salad Harris it seems that she would rather choose to forget the past. She would do well to heed this oft miss-quoted warning, Those who can not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

    The Left was prepared to run Ol' Sleepy/Pervy Joe again even though his Dr. wife that is a joke, staff, anybody and everybody associated with Ol' Sleepy/Pervy Joe in anyway at all knew that he was in NO position nor condition to hold that office or any other governmental office what so ever. And had been mentally incapacitated for a very long time. John Fetterman, even after a stroke would be better suited to be President of the United States, better suited that Ol' Sleepy/Pervy Joe and certainly better that Camala Word Salad Harris. Mr. Fetterman has more IQ points rattling around in his actually damaged brain than both Ol' Sleepy/Pervy Joe and Camela Word Salad Harris combined and raised to the power of 3.

    They the, Left, ran Ol' Sleepy/Pervy Joe certainly knowing that the televised nationwide debate would unmask his dementia for ALL THE WORLD to see.. I really don't think there enough uppers that could be pumped into him by injection, tablet, or smoke to have kept him sharp enough for that debate. The intern who now probably is in Iranian or North Korean custody who forgot THEE kit. Thee Kit, like the Nuclear Football that should never more than arms reach from Biden. Thee Kit that has the Caffeine, the Adrenaline, the Epinephrine, Nor-epinephrine, the Methamphetamine, Dexamphetmine, Dexedrine, hell all the -phetmines, all the -ines, the  the Methcathinone, the Ritalin, the Adderall, the Poppers, the Cocaine, the Concerta, the Crack, the this , the that, the other, everything that a doddering old fuck needs to stay awake if not sharp for the next podium appearance, without stumbling off stage. Or getting lost on his meandering stumbling shuffle back into the Amazon Rain forest and might just leave him with just enough oomph to bark at an insulant reporter. There are just tooooo many Biden Gaffs starting from day one of his embarrassment of a Presidency to list here, just too Fucking many. They are all horrible and they are all embarrassing. NO OTHER country would keep a head of State in power like Ol' Sleepy/Pervy Joe. Not ONE. Not even Moldova. Not just to him and he should be embarrassed but embarrassing to every fully conscious or semi-conscious or concussed, or completely drug-addled American.You wouldn't allow him near your TV remote. You wouldn't allow him near your young daughter?!? You wouldn't even take him shopping with you to the Walmart, even with him riding in one of their scooter chairs. I wouldn't even share my Netflix Password with Ol' Sleepy/Pervy Joe. Sure as FUCK not with my email password!!! But You would vote for him?!? You would grant him access to the Nuclear Fucking Football. Now it seems he really doesn't need that access to get the entire world into a nuclear war. I would say 'He' but he clearly doesn't have the smarts for this.

    Biden's quick- march toward total mental collapse of Dementia or Alzheimer's or Parkinson's or whatever other mentally debilitating decline he is staring straight down the barrel of should have had the congress drawing up articles to exercise the 25th amendment. But, of course, that would have left us with the younger but equally babbling Camela Word Salad Harris. And I cant decide which would be worse. Maybe "Better the Devil you know than the Devil you don't." And WE surely don't know Camela Harris except that she was the "Boarder Czar". And we DO know how that worked out.

    The Left must have been cognizant of the fact that Ol' Sleepy/Pervy Joe was in no shape for this level of activity mental or physical. If They weren't then They were imbeciles, blind, drooling imbeciles. There can be no misunderstanding of that fact. They whoever they are behind the scenes the puppet masters must have at some level planed how this election cycle would play out. They could not have been caught so completely off guard as the history of this past election cycle might suggest. They must have known that if They could prop Ol' Sleepy/Pervy Joe up just long enough to get past the primaries They could the prop up Camela Word Salad Harris in his place. That would, of course, have cheated the nation out of the Democratic Primaries. Bust as the election results showed Camela Word Salad Harris under-performed even Ol' Sleepy/Pervy Joe in Absolutely ever way and every place possible. So They must have been counting on retaining Ol' Sleepy/Pervy Joe's voter base to carry them through. Then Hillary and Barack could get back to business as usual. That being the touching off of the Third World war, probably a nuclear World War for fun and Profit, don't forget the Profit. Never forget the Profit. This system doesn't have a dripping font or I would have used that.

    It does mystify me a bit why Nancy Pelosi would have helped orchestrate this Bait and switcheroo. Maybe she thought that Camela Word Salad Harris better, or more controllable or possibly less embarrassing maybe more controllable and less embarrassing but she could not have thought that Camela Word Salad Harris would be better.

    I use the, Shadowy Those, because Those are surly the people behind Ol' Sleepy/Pervy Joe and Camela Word Salad Harris. Hillary and Barack. I saw a YouTube that showed Hillary saying that she spoke to the White House on a daily basis. I cant find that now. I imagine that Hillary/the Left had that removed. I believe that I heard it on Joe Rogan but I cant find that either, so. That would just be Wrong. Ol' Sleepy/Pervy Joe should have been calling the shots himself not relying on a ten years old administration for input. Ten years of failed power grabbing administrations. President elect Donald J Trump will not be relying on such a dated help desk for his decision making. He is storming out of the gate selecting Cabinet member after Cabinet member. And every one of them is a breath of fresh air and everyone of them is a solid choice. Even his nominee Matt Gaetz had the good sense to step aside given his legal issues so as not to tarnish and distract from the Tidal Wave of Great Cabinet members that will soon be sweeping into office. On the day President Elect Donald J trump takes office in January things are going to start happening, Good things, Important things, Long overdue things.

    Another thing that is amazing about this Donald J Trump re-elections is the long list of celebrities that will be leaving the US. But I firmly believe that in a years time EVERY LAST ONE of these self important Fucks will still be living here in the US. Which is fine because it just means that these people can not be trusted even a little bit regarding anything especially their word. Why then should we swallow anything that they have to say about anything, ever at all. I will never understand American Public is so enamored of these people any of them that they would look to the likes of Miriam Margolyes for advice about the not War in Israel. Does she have some super secret insider Cabal information about what is in the minds of the leaders of Hamas or Hezbollah or Ayatollah Khomeini? I doubt it. I don't why I thought I remembered a quote from Mr. Brad Pitt when asked to opine about some geo-political issue of the day he said that it was stupid to ask his opinion because he was NOT an expert on geo-political issues because he is an actor not a politician. But it seems that I was mistaken. After an exhaustive search I cant find anything about that. Its not like we should be looking to these Left Elitist Actors about anything anyway. But surely anyone who has ever listened to these Elitists ever in the past about anything even remotely of any import outside of their Craft of Acting which is just skillful lying should learn from this and stop listening to them and step outside of the Leftist Elitist Echo Chamber they have so snugly and apparently comfortably slipped up their collective asses.

    There are WAY Smarter people Conservative and LEFT that are explaining way the shellacking of Camela Word Salad Harris and the rest of the Left. 

                                    So there is that.


    [Update: Apparently a man going by the name of  Grace Pinson in the Tucson Arizona penal system has sued this same said system. This one prisoner brought dozens of cases before the bench for alleging multiple abuses against him while incarcerated in the Tucson Arizona Penal System. Cases that allege severe mistreatment by the guards and by fellow inmates. A case was settled for $95,000.00 in lieu of dropping the rest cases.

    It seems that another trans-inmate sued and won a his case in the El Reno Oklahoma penal system. The money awarded the inmate was appropriated by the prison system to cover court costs. Which I imagine did not begin to cover the totality of the court costs.

    This begs the question: How should prison systems deal with inmate law suits. Why should inmates law suits be entertained at all? Who will be held responsible for the court costs, the filing costs, the plaintiff's lawyer costs, the prison system lawyer costs blah, blah, blah, if the prisoner's case does not win? Can the state asses a settlement fee against the prisoner to cover the cost of entertaining such a law suit? How would such a assessment be recovered?

    But with all of this money flying around what about any victim that was injured in any way? Shouldn't any victim stand to reap some remuneration for the violence or theft perpetrated against them? Again and again and again victims loose in cases like this. The father of a family is shot but not killed, but is left forever in some sort of incapacitated state, vegetative or to some level paralysis. His income in the family is forfeit forever. Who covers the future lost income to the family? Who covers the medical and psychological costs now left to the family? The state, no, the perpetrator, hell no, who then? Is there some fuck-off insurance policy that people in crime ridden areas can get for just such an occasion? How fucking expensive would that sort of insurance be in a crime ridden area? Could you get such a policy?

    Many insurance companies are pulling out of California for things like fire insurance and other such "Acts of God". Home insurance is no longer profitable enough for many companies. And those that do stay selling home insurance policies in disaster prone areas are able to charge exorbitant premiums especially in areas where fire and flood and earthquake and hurricane disasters are typical if not on the rise.  Thank you climate change. (I am thinking of using the italicized Courier font type as a sarcasm font type. What do you think?  maybe in green?)

    Can an insurance company issue a climate change policy yet? I see that coming down the pike pretty soon with all of the fall out surrounding the LA San Diego fires.  

    This capitulation in Grace Pinson's occurred just days before President Donald J Trump was sworn in to the Office of President. President Donald J Trump as he has promised to end federal accommodations and support for trans individuals. I wonder if President Donald J Trump's actions in stopping the federal accommodations for trans individuals can give the state a point of law allowing the state to sue Grace Pinson on appeal to have this verdict overturned? Could an executive order like this will be sufficient impetus for the State to file an appeal? Could the state get its money back?]

                                     I hope it but I doubt it.

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Comedy content you need to consume

     I am listening to a recording of Hal Holbrook doing a stage presentation of some essays written by Mark Twain titled Mark Twain Tonight. Mr Holbrook did take and make some artistic edits to the original writings of Mr. Twain.

    This is a video that should be a "Required" viewing in high school. Required viewing and a required study because the essays portrayed here are STILL bitingly relevant today. Even after the 114 years after his death. Samuel Clemens was an amazing individual. He hung about the Luminaries of the day. Men like Nikola Tesla, Ulysses S. Grant. He tried his had at mining for gold in California. He tried farming and his hand at a law practice but did not do so very well at those and was forced to return to practicing Journalism. Mark Twain. Some of this presentation represent many of my favorite memories. The closest to Mark Twain that we have/had in our lives is a Mr. George Carlin. I seriously recommend listening to both. They both have excellent views, excellent and honest views, and as with being real truth biting views on the major topics of the day then and still relevant to this day and likely for centuries to come.

    Much to my fathers chagrin, the beginning of a long history of feeling this way I am sure, I fell in love with humor, irreverent humor. Mr. George Carlin was my first introduction to this style of comedy. Then as I have recently discovered I had started tuning in to the Dr. Demento radio show just before Weird Al Yankovic made his debut. Holly Crap I just learned that I am the same age as Mr. Weird Al.

Dr. Sheldon's book of A B Zs. Must reading material for parents. This was shared to me by a fabulous 8th grade teacher. She was way ahead of the curve.

Woke Relations - Government - How the Left was Lost (Part 1)

How the Left was lost   (Part 1)

    The government in Canada currently under the rule of the Prime Minister JustinTrudeau which is 'slip sliddin away' into deeper Socialism. Just like California with Gavin Newsom as Governor. California slid Sooo far from reality that a California law allowed shoplifters a $1000.00 upper-end range before they could be prosecuted. I can't imagine that. You can shoplift $1000.00 worth of actual merchandise without fear of prosecution, but if you are caught going eleven miles per hour over the posted speed limit you can be held accountable.

    [ UPDATE...  I did hear an update about California specifically Los Angeles that happened as a result of the recent election. It seems that there was an "New [Sheriff in town] District attorney elected Mr. Nathan Hochman. “The voters of Los Angeles County have spoken and have said enough is enough of D.A. Gascón’s pro-criminal extreme policies..." So I guess that the shoplifting stuff may be a thing of the past. Maybe. We shall see. I hope it but I doubt it. I personally hope that this trend catches on nationwide. San Francisco could certainly learn from this what seems like a nationwide mandate to return to Sanity.      Again, we shall see. Although it does seem so.]

     Conservative - Liberal used to sort of balance/compliment each other. They no longer do. Just like there are two sides to the sensory system of our bodies. one for pain and one for pleasure. A you might find by reading almost anything there is a nearly infinite number of ways to deliver pain to a body, but there are relatively limited number of ways to deliver pleasure to a body. So it seems that Liberalism has become this nearly limitless way to interpret reality.

    The Left, or what used to be called Liberal I would say have slid, but slid sort of implies that it was a slow and progressive move. To me it does not feel that way. It feels like the Fuckwits at Bud-Light Jackboot Kicked down the doors to DEI "Everywhere All of the Time All at Once". Which by the way was a 139-minute long advertisement for homosexuality. The message of the movie was that if you are ashamed of your homosexual child then this and every entire space-time dimensional reality will suddenly unravel and collapse All the Way AWAY. And it will be US left standing to watch the faint flicker of the last remaining bit of free thermodynamic energy winks out. Sudden and complete Heat Death, presented to you only after you paid for this re-education experience at a theater probably having spent upwards of $40.00 for the privilege. That is 139 minutes I would certainly like back. And the most fuckedest part of this re-education experience was that they kept the 'punch line', this Ancient Chinese Secret, held back until the end, the very end. The end, to where you were even denied the opportunity to walk out in protest. 

    I understand that is not how it probably happened. Its sort of like the metaphor of the  Frog in the slowly increasingly hot, pot of water. It was slowly happening all around us but we We the People, the Conservative people in America, the people who have been shamed into silence about everything that has been creeping up the ladder of importance in the world, and who have had all of the ills of the world heaped upon our shoulders. Everything, and Everyone, that isn't US. I know that I don't know the true beginnings, but I like to pin it to the homosexual revolution. Gay liberation. As I understand it probably goes back to the Harvey Milk assassination. This may have been the first ever outside of San Francisco incident surrounding anything Gay related to make the papers nationally. But the outrage in that Community galvanized that Community, so completely. And thus began the slow steady legal and in the streets march towards Gay marriage. And The community fought hard for and won that right. That right was well and truly won. That was a good and noble cause, I believe in it. I do believe that a person/human has the right to love whom ever they wish and to in the sight of their friends and the state to proclaim their love openly and legally.

    I did say person/human not Cars or Sheep or sex dolls or what ever. I do believe that marring outside your species or biology is a step too far. In ten years I am certain there will be men, I say men because they typically tend to do the crazier stuff sexually and maritally, who will be lined up to marry an AI generated version of a woman self designed for perfect compatibility. But I hope to be dead and dust before that. Of course that could be happening right now. If you love weirdness, do watch the Archer show for double triple and fourple entendre and crazy phrasing and all things politically incorrect.

     But it didn't stop there. That March started an avalanche of new victimized, oppressed, marginalized, groups Everywhere to stand up and be recognized. [Trans Nation is Born] 

    Then we had Bud Light's ad agency to take it one step beyond the lip of the pale. They pricked the surface tension meniscus of the very nearly overflowing pale of nearly boiling water. That ad group hired an ad executive who knew NOTHING about their true target demographic. This ad exec AlissaHeinerscheid single-handedly touched off the firestorm of conservative backlash that cost Bud Light over a $1,000,000,000 and Market Cap valuation and started the pull-back from DEI. Because she thought it would be good to target a new demographic, a new less "fratty" demographic, a new more 'tolerant' demographic. She brought in Dylan Mulvaney as the new less "fratty' Spokes-Man/boy.  I don't know what "Day of being a Girl" this happened on but on April 1, 2023 Mr. Mulvaney came 'Out of the closet' as the new face of Bud Light. And That was the beginning of the end for DEI. The beginning of the end for many companies who had become all snuggled up all cozy and tight to this new DEI. And Bud Light had the BALLS, I am talking KING SIZE, King Kong Oganesson Balls to launch this new ad campaign during March Madness. Undeniably one of the PEEK beer consumptive Seasons in sports. A 19% uplift in beer sales.

    At this point the Frog in the pot suddenly discovered that the pot of water was dangerously hot. The Frog in this metaphor is the US, the We the People who had preferred to ignore this rising tide of what would come to be labeled DEI. But now we are no longer willing to keep our heads down, nor nose's clean nor carry on, a la the British motivational tag line from World War II Keep Calm and Carry on.

    Bud Light and a myriad of other Corporations that had adopted this new DEI mantra and were 'Busting out of the closet' all over the place and suddenly. We the People may not be able to fight this DEI nonsense in the Boardroom but We the People fought back on the "Bottom Line" and in all business that is the ONLY thing that matters. As The Much Esteemed George Carlin said this of 'industry" There is no morality in business, just a ledger. "Keep it in the Black. Show a profit, Never mind your soul, Never mind the landscape, Never mind the other guy, Keep it in the black, Keep it in the black. Do what you can, Keep it in the black... Business as usual Going on" And I believe him. That does seem to have had the desired effect. 

    Target was next on the chopping block for their Pride Month sales Extravaganza. Target put 'Trans-woman' "Tuck friendly" swim ware, and Rainbow everything in an entire section given over to the new wave of DEI everything. Suddenly everybody was becoming acquainted with the new litany of letters strung together into Infinity and Beyond. Don't let the Disney Fucks see this blatant use of what is surly a trademarked line. It seems LGBTQ +. reaches out as long as Pi now. And will likely go further very soon. I just read this article, and I am stunned and amazed by the sheer number of groups that have hopped onto the Gay liberation coat tails. Just how many genders are there in 2024? Besides male and female, it seems that there are 72 other "documented" genders, 72 other genders beyond male and female? Are you Shitting me? Are people Suddenly so unhappy with the two that have been around since time immemorial? “These include the following: Agender: A person who does not identify themselves with or experience any gender. Agender people are also called null-gender, genderless, gendervoid, or neutral gender. Abimegender. There is no fixed number of gender identities. They occur on a spectrum, which really means that the possibilities are infinite. INFINITE? Each person might find that a certain point on the spectrum feels most comfortable and accurate, and this may change over time.” Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah-Fucking Blah we get it. You are so "Unencumbered by what has been" and so unhappy with what IS Now, that you would prefer to bend the entire Universe and those that believe in the God who created it, to your way of thinking, your delusional way of thinking, your disordered way of thinking. And you insist with the passion of ten-thousand simultaneous [Lefties loosing it is such a great resource for goofy shit] gama-ray-bursting explosions that We the People buy into your delusion, your disorder.

    The Liberal has become the Left  and has become the FAAAAR Left of center that the political teeter totter that used to be representative of the balance between Conservative and Liberal, really looks more like Archimedes' lever set to move the world. The Left is bordering on Socialist Left, The Leninist left, The Stalinist left, The Maoist Left The Woke Left. The Left have painted themselves into such a tight corner by adopting every blue haired member of the suppressed, oppressed, terrorized, traumatized, trivialized, subjugated, disenfranchised, disadvantaged, depressed, repressed, excluded, marginalized group there is, that they forgot the rest of US. Those of us who keep the wheels of the economy running, that keep food on the shelves at your store, The farmer of cows, of pigs, of chickens, of chicken eggs, of fish, of fish eggs, of worms, of turkeys, of corn, of wheat, of turnips, the Trucker, the Carpenter, the Oil Rig worker both onshore and offshore, the Plumbers, the Electricians, the Engineers, the Train Engineers, the Airline Baggage Handlers, the Airline Pilots, the Airline in Flight Attendants, the Loggers, the Lumber Mill workers, the Auto Assembly Line workers, the Steel Mill workers, the Coal Miners, the Police Departments, the Fire Fighters, the EMT's, the Genius Inventors and let us NEVER FORGET All of the Vastly Grossly Under Paid members of Every branch of the American Military, that keep us safe every night when we lay down to sleep. The hard working unwashed, unrecognized, huddled masses that make up America and that keep US Great. YEAH the rest of the US. The Left has alienated the rest of US. Even Bill Maher who used to be a 'liberal' has made mention of this many time that Liberalism left him behind. Liberalism is a fading, forgotten and a vanishingly distant image in the rear view mirror of the Left, the Democratic Party by name, in its current incarnation as it fades further and further towards Socialism, Leninism, Stalinism, Marxism, and Maoism. Just like the Frog, you don't see it coming until you are upside down on a plate in a Fancy French restaurant. As a sure sign of the Rapidly approaching Apocalypse Mr. Bill Maher actually agreed with Mr. Senator Ted Cruz on his own show and a show with Jordan B Peterson. [These are GREAT episodes, Not to be missed!]

    It seems now that We the People are finally no longer willing to keep our heads down and buried in the sand, we will no longer be shamed into acquiescence, no longer be guilted in to Tonic Immobility, are no longer overly concerned about the cleanliness of our noses, hell we are now actually proud of our bloodied noses, we will no longer be seen grumbling silent mutterings under our breath about the collapse of the American Society and we wont be found kneeling during the National Anthem. We will be Proud to Be an American again.

    Since Bud Light and Target et al, et al being Harley Davidson, Ford Motor Company, John Deer, Caterpillar, Tractor Supply, Jack Daniels, Loews, Walmart et al abandoned their cash cows We the People are standing up, dusting off our bent knees and lifting our bent rednecks shaking off the oppressive yoke of guilt laid upon us by the Socialist, Left. The Left that ran full gallop off a cliff over the edge of a black abyssal of no return with open arms grasping at a power base that is no longer there. We the People, We The Meek,  are no longer willing to sit idly by and let this happen to ourselves, our children, or our Government. Witness the near total victory of President Elect Donald J Trump. The Electoral Vote, The Popular Vote, The Senate, and The House.


Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Race Relations

    Many minorities or "Victims" as the have come to be known in Modern culture are guilty of word play. A long time ago (not that long really) Black persons in America were referred to as Negros then Black and now they have draped across their collective shoulders the Moniker of African American. A single word has been stricken from the American Global vocabulary. Now known only as the "N" Word. A word that the black population freely use to to their "Homies' or anybody it now seems. But WOE Betide any White, Red, Brown, Yellow, Green, Rainbow but especially a White Male person person that should let slip from their lips the dreaded "N" Word. Much like a Black backed Fatwa, they would likely wake up dead in their beds with their throats slit, or more likely dead in their living rooms due to a not random Drive By Shooting. The Drive By shooting made notoriously famous by Black thugs. The Black Nation Shall Rise up against and with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. So I am clearly paraphrasing Jules Winnfield's line a bit. But the Idea is the same. Because that is how they Roll. "Roll" being yet another Black Thuglife culture created word meaning how they act and behave or more pointedly act and behave badly. I think this odd though in light of the BLM movement. I would hope that BLM Bitch would be calling for Thugged-Up Blacks to be better. To show the world that Black Thugs are not what everybody has come to KNOW that They Are. I realize that it is the actions of a less than 50% of ganged-up assholes that are dragging the reputation of the entire Black community down BLM got it's start with Trayvon Martin in Florida. And gained sudden prominence with the death of George Floyd. But, Instead The Black Lives Matter people keep making blanket excuses for Shit Black Thuglife behavior. If a gang of White guys suddenly crashed the doors of a Nordstrom's department store and looted it for $100,000.00 or so, the Black community specifically the BLM Fuckwits would blame the White assholes who perpetrated this heinous act of violence, thuggery and theft. But when this gang of Masked up Black Assholes do the same it is some how excused away as a societal or systemic racism problem and dismissed out of hand as a non-event. Or worse call it reparations for the slavery issues that have crippled their ability to be good productive members of society. They make it sound like this Colonial Slavery issue is still going on or at most was just one generation ago. When in fact it has been 6 generations. A full 150 years ago. Not yesterday not last year but LAST FUCKING CENTURY. Some how the Jewish Nation managed to stand up after the Atrocities of World War II and keep from blaming the WHOLE of the World for that. And that and that was ONLY 80 years ago.

    But what about the rest of us? Don't we matter? Some how the 'African American' moniker/label got pushed back a decade of so to when black people were black people. And not some self stylized hybridization of African and American. 

    It bothers me greatly that a black person can claim 'Citizenship' or 'ethno-origination' from a Continent they are most likely not from born on nor have they visited nor will they likely visit in their life time and in many cases can't even identity on a world map. It also bothers me that Asian Americans and Mexican Americans and any other ethnicity nameable claims their ethnicity First and their status as Americans last. If you live in America and are 'enjoying' freedoms and that have been won with the blood of the American Soldier and whatever else is afforded to you by dint of living here legally - legitimately then it stands to reason that you are an American First and whatever else you want to tack on behind. Similarly it bothers me that by claiming to be African American and you can't identify the Country on the African Continent that you hail from, not even the region. I recently saw a YouTube video of a Ms. Jasmine Crockett decrying the lack of White Oppression in this country. WOW! Is she calling for there to suddenly be some White oppression? This NEW ANTI-Racism is not anti-racism at all. What Ms. Crockett is calling for it is a NOT too thinly veiled guilt-enabled and guilt-driven White Oppression. For being such an (self claimed) educated individual she is WOEfully and apparently intentionally ignorant on the subject of  history as it pertains to black oppression and black slavery. I find it interesting that she believes the Black People are the ONLY people who have ever, Ever, EVER been oppressed or enslaved. She rails about an injustice that occurred more than 200 year ago. She herself was not dragged anywhere at any time in her entire life, Ever. And yet she would call down with Great Vengeance and Furious anger a lie that has been fed to her all of her life, that she believes this lie hook line and sinker but has never taken the time to research the real world of Global Historical and current Slavery. There is not a group of people that has not been enslaved at some time somewhere on this planet. No matter how you want to break down the groups by race, by religion, sex by what ever metric you want to look up you will find that at some time some where every group of every people has been enslaved. And it was never about race it is and has always been about Power. If one group could defeat and capture another group... The Romans enslave the Christians, The Egyptians Famously enslaved the Hebrew peoples as did the Babylonians and about any other group. And Yet the Jewish nation doesn't lay down and play victim. According to many people and famously Mr. Mel Gibson the Jewish people run the world. They did not roll over and play dead more to the point, Play Victim. The Chinese were Occupied by the Japanese as were the Korean's. All of those countries are doing well. Genghis Kan has famously spread his 'Seed' Over most of Eur-Asia. And yet somehow the Black community is the ONLY community or race that has ever been "Oppressed". Oppressed so significantly in American culture and it would seem by the entire world that we as a nation and collectively as the human race must be reminded of this day after day after day after day, after day ad nauseam, ad ridiculousiosity, ad YEAH WE GET IT! But the way Ms. Jasmine Crockett would have you believe it the Black community has been "Oppressed" past the point of Extinction. The Black community has been reduced to Thuggery and Violent behavior and the only way out of this is, well she really doesn't lay out a solution just yet more Victim-Splaining and accusations leveled at any individual or group who Dare tread on the Sovereignty of the Black man. And that if not for her constant and vigilant reminders the Black community might parish from the face of earth much like the Dodo Bird. If you doubt these facts... and look up for your self about the true facts about slavery. There are so many that I stopped counting.

    The entirety of  Sea faring European nations were at some point or other enslaved. By the Barbary Savers. But NOBODY remembers this. Nobody cares. There aren't Jewish Representatives in Congress or the Senate Crying about the racial injustices inflicted upon them. Hell we actually have members of Congress calling for the eradication of the Jewish Nation of Israel A Ms. Rashida Tlaib pro Palestinian commentary would seem to call for the extinction of Jews everywhere. But scarcely a word is heard about her radical ideology is makes the news. I think this was new-worthy of two days and out. But Ms. Jasmine gets to waste yet more tax money railing on against all white people every where, yet again. I wonder if her righteous indignation is specific to the Racist Slaver's that are the American White person and more likely White Men in particular. Because as we ALL know American White Men are the center of all that is bad about every issue on the entire planet. Climate Change White Men, Racism White Men, Global pollution White Men, Islands of plastic waste in the Pacific White Men, Deforestation of the Amazon rain forest White Men, Feminism White Men. Trans-phobia White Men, EVERY LGBTQrstuvwxyz ad nauseam White Men, Aids White Men, Wars, we all Know where that comes from White Men, Water Contamination White Men, Human Rights Violations White Men, Over Fishing the worlds oceans White men, Pandemics White Men, Mental health White Men, Global Poverty white Men, Global Starvation White Men, Illegal, Gun Control white Men, Access to health Care White Men, Immigration White men, Aging White Men, Pedophilia White Men, Gender equality White Men, Outer space White Men, Nuclear waste White men, Artificial Intelligence White men, Bio-terrorism White Men, Terrorism White Men, Social and population Collapse White men, Over Population White men,  Threat of Nuclear War White Men, Cyber bullying White Men, Political Rioting White Men, Drug Addiction White Men, fentanyl White Men, Crack White Men, Meth White Men, Unemployment White Men, 5G irradiation White men, Too much screen time White Men, Light pollution White Men, Black Holes White men, Universal Heat Death White Men, Entropy White Men, Collapsing Stars White Men, Gang Violence in Haiti White men, I could go on and on and on much like Ms. Jasmine Crockett but you get the picture. Every thing that vexes your town, your state, America, the world, The solar system, the Galaxy, the universe, the Big Bang all of it brought about by the evil, pernicious, cancerous, corrupted, corrupting, pestilent, wicked, greedy, venomous, poisonous and again I could go on and on and on I should know all of these thing because I am a White Man and Ms. Jasmine Crockett will Never let me, or my kind, forget it.       If I have left anything out just fill in the blank and let me know.

    The Japanese Representatives aren't screaming about Manzanar. There should be some sort of Statute of limitations on the 'Right of Recall' about slavery issues or issues like that. If an individual like Ms. Jasmine Crockett want to waste the time on the floor of Congress rehashing the same old worn out shit like this then she should be caused to pay for that time wasted because it happened OVER 200 YEARS ago and Black people are not unique in their having been enslaved and "Dragged from their homes". Not even a little unique. Today's slave trade is alive and flourishing but you will not hear Ms. Jasmine Crockett calling down with Great Vengeance and Furious anger about that. Not a damn word, not a syllable not a blink of an eye. And yet for injustices perpetrated on her color people 200 years ago she gets to waste thousands of dollars per minute in the halls of government only to keep the lie of "ONLY BLACK SLAVERY" alive. As I said before her time ranting to no good end should be tallied up and every Representative in that meeting should get paid back each of their time's worth of wasted Tax Dollars. What she has said is nothing that everybody on the PLANET hasn't heard ad nauseam. Even the people in Australia are afraid of the third rail that is racism against the Black Man. Australia, a country that couldn't be more divorced from American Colonial Slavery. But so pervasive is the message from the likes of Ms. Jasmine Crockett that it reaches the 1409 miles to a country that has it's own problems with Aboriginal issues. But yet their own Aboriginal issues still take a back seat to Ms. Jasmine Crockett message and the vitriol people like her spew every day.

    And most importantly to me is that this Vitriol is directed SQUARELY at white people. Dead center, center mass and the truly fucked part is that a white person on the Congressional floor cant stand up and shut her up because that would be Raciest. But her Fire-Breathing-Vitriolic Ranting against the White monster somehow isn't. Its fucking expensive, that is a for sure.

    [Update: I certainly hope that our freshly minted Department of Government_Efficiency under the watchful care of Mr. Elon Musk himself at the behest of President Donald J Trump will see fit to take situations like Jasmine Crockett's complete waste of time on the floor of Congress as a starting point.]

    We White people don't have a fancy hyphenated multi-organizational moniker like virtually every other race on the planet. And it seems to me that these fancy hyphenated multi-organizational monikers only exist in America. African- Briton, African-French that hardly rolls off the tongue. But African American...  We White folk are still just plain old White people. There was some fuck-off movement some time ago to try to legitimize European American. That didn't even last as long as the push to move America to the metric system. We have always been and we always will be, simply White.

    If for what ever reason there was suddenly a White Lives Matter movement the entirety of the Black population would rise up and Call that White Supremacy. They, I say they, I will lump the Black population in with any and all of those who have labeled President Elect Donald J Trump as a racist and White Supremacist. 

    I mentioned The Right Reverend al sharpton some posts ago. I mentioned his name in relation to his uncanny ability to be in front of a podium anywhere anytime day or night. No Holidays, no matter the weather He is better than the USPS Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays this representative from the swift appearance in front of the nearest fully microphoned up Podium, speaking out against All Racially, Black specific, motivated injustice , no matter how insignificant or unimportant. He was recently at his station in front of a podium decrying the fact that President Elect Donald J Trump's Cabinet Nominees don't include a single Black person. 


    Indians are next

Sunday, November 24, 2024

My stuff - Movies

Movies and their legacies

Summer field trips 

        Colossus: The Forbin Project is a movie from 1970. I am sort of astounded that I recall this movie since I saw it when I was 10 years old. It was filmed, or at least one of the primary sets was filmed at the Berkley Lawrence Hall of Sciences. This building is atop the hills over looking Berkley. This another place my mother used to take us kids during the summer school break.

            I believe that this was one of the first serious Progenitors of the Terminator movies. And how AI was coming for us all.