Saturday, October 16, 2010

Sex Sells

    I read recently that there was a study preformed on shoppers. It seems that shoppers get the same sort of "high" as they might in sex when they get a great deal.

    I don't know about that really but it makes me wonder if years of social conditioning hasn't contributed to this phenomenon somehow. Decades of selling with sex or so closely associating purchases with sex might have really collectively goofed out heads with regards to shopping.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I wonder…

    I wonder that deer and other wild life animals must feel about Field and Stream magazine the way I feel about this magazine. Apparently there are articles in this magazine that tell how to spesifically kill Americans and how to cause the most terror. Oh goodie

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


    I think I might have a new word... Mouseturbation. I looked it up at Urban Dictionary and it was there but a different use something about clicking on the mouse so fast and furiously that the sound it might be confused for masturbation.

    I thought the more proper use was while trolling porn sites using a mouse to navigate from site to site, picture to picture and video to video...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

banned for life

    A British teenager was banned from visiting America for life for sending Obama an obscene email.

    This really makes me wonder what would happen to me if they found out how I feel about the man.

    I guess by this you can all deduce what I feel about Obama.
But I would have to add that it's not just Obama its nearly all of the Washington elite. Congress 'persons' (cant call them congressmen any more that's not politically correct) Senators the lot are as crooked as we they define crooked anything else is a laser straight line when compared.

    I was noticing something interesting about this headline though as I was dredging up on the google.
Several of the first noted news carrying organization webpages/sites were from India, Thailand. Arguably heavily Muslim populations.

    Just an observation

Monday, October 11, 2010

OH Fuck

    I just found this thing in the blog dashboard STATS. It shows statistics about those who visit this blog. It seems that some people in Arabic nations have been reading. Having said that if expect a Fatwa to be called down on my head any day now given my feelings regarding the Muslim religion. You can read general about my feelings here.

The United Arab Emirates
Saudi Arabia
The Netherlands
Publish Post

    I wonder how people in those regions of the world came to read my rantings. I still don't know an awful lot about this blogging thing as it relates to the real world, perhaps I aught be more careful.
I would love to hear from the muslim people. Perhaps they might show me some other side of the muslim religion. I would very much like the opportunity to "dialogue" with a muslim individual about today's world environment and how muslims are perceived and how they are "assimilating" into other nations and adopting the other cultures of the nations they inhabit.

    Holly smokes I just found a page under the STATS page that lists the searches that got people to this blog... one of the search phrases is "Japanese girls vomiting" I kid you not!
I wonder if that was the guys in Saudi Arabia or The United Arab Emirates.
Speak up guys. Not that I have a thing for Vomiting Japanese Girls but you sound like you could be some "interesting" guys to party with.