Tuesday, October 12, 2010

banned for life

    A British teenager was banned from visiting America for life for sending Obama an obscene email.

    This really makes me wonder what would happen to me if they found out how I feel about the man.

    I guess by this you can all deduce what I feel about Obama.
But I would have to add that it's not just Obama its nearly all of the Washington elite. Congress 'persons' (cant call them congressmen any more that's not politically correct) Senators the lot are as crooked as we they define crooked anything else is a laser straight line when compared.

    I was noticing something interesting about this headline though as I was dredging up on the google.
Several of the first noted news carrying organization webpages/sites were from India, Thailand. Arguably heavily Muslim populations.

    Just an observation

Monday, October 11, 2010

OH Fuck

    I just found this thing in the blog dashboard STATS. It shows statistics about those who visit this blog. It seems that some people in Arabic nations have been reading. Having said that if expect a Fatwa to be called down on my head any day now given my feelings regarding the Muslim religion. You can read general about my feelings here.

The United Arab Emirates
Saudi Arabia
The Netherlands
Publish Post

    I wonder how people in those regions of the world came to read my rantings. I still don't know an awful lot about this blogging thing as it relates to the real world, perhaps I aught be more careful.
I would love to hear from the muslim people. Perhaps they might show me some other side of the muslim religion. I would very much like the opportunity to "dialogue" with a muslim individual about today's world environment and how muslims are perceived and how they are "assimilating" into other nations and adopting the other cultures of the nations they inhabit.

    Holly smokes I just found a page under the STATS page that lists the searches that got people to this blog... one of the search phrases is "Japanese girls vomiting" I kid you not!
I wonder if that was the guys in Saudi Arabia or The United Arab Emirates.
Speak up guys. Not that I have a thing for Vomiting Japanese Girls but you sound like you could be some "interesting" guys to party with.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Lady Gaga

    I am not so much a fan of the Lady Gaga phenomenon but she is certainly a good business person. That said when I hear her song "Bad Romance" I can't help but hear different lyrics to the chorus… to wit

Rah Rah sys boom bah…

    I looked up the lyrics to this song and I am certain that my hero Weird Al could work up a song around that chorus line; something about high school romance. I might even take a run at that. There is almost nothing more tragic than some high school romances. The drama that is involved and or perceived to be involved. I think the phrase and the acronym OMG and the TMI and so many others were certain to have evolved out of these tragedies.

Friday, October 8, 2010


    Today's challenge for this Friday, 10-8-10, is to use the photo above to write a flash fiction of 60-90 words. And....let's try this for a required phrase:
"...taking hold..."

    She looked around her pallet deciding which brush to use. Taking hold of the broadest thickest brush available, she began stroking vigorously. She wanted to quickly cover the canvas with a thick coat to set a passionate tone of her work. The more she worked the brush, she and the canvas became one. She could feel her creative juices flowing and she could feel that soon the creativity would explode from the brush. And there it was, big gushing globs sploshing the canvas running down over her hand and neck.

Friday, October 1, 2010


5 4 3 _ _ Action... que Voice over...

"Live those Crimson days in a Golden Haze"

CUT! CUT! CUT! What Madison Avenue Fuckwit wrote this crap?!
Who the hell thinks women are this stupid regarding their periods. Golden haze... What the fuck?

Xanax signed a deal with the Kotex people and they’re putting a trans-dermal low dose formula on the Tampons and pads.

They are WHAT?!
It's and anti cramp muscle relaxer combined with a mood enhancer.

No Shit?! Do we have any of those pads on set?

Sure. why?

Get me a couple.

Get the Director a couple of the Xan-pads quick. We are loosing the light.
Can we get back to the shoot, we’ve spent 26 million on this add campaign. Uma Thurman is over there on the railroad tracks with no panties, on do you know how much that costs? And we’ve only got about 10 minutes light left today.

Yea Yea Yea we‘ll get the shot. First I need those pads... (Slaps one on his forehead and one on his neck)

What are you doing

I’m sure as shootin' going to need a muscle relaxer and a mood enhancer to get me through this shoot!


...and now the rest of the story... ala Paul Harvey

So this is my thinking... the picture looked so/too idealic, so much like a commercial. I figured I would to go with that. Golden haze... not such a great breakfast cereal tag-line but it looked like early morning. I thought about the obvious, "collapsed in a golden haze of post orgasmic bliss", too obvious and too far removed from the picture. I couldn't think of any thing then I saw a commercial on TV about tampons and right after that was a Midol commercial and it was just too crazy. As it turns out the TV got on the Oxygen channel some how. The cats walk on the remotes frequently. So any way the idea of a trans-dermal anti cramp med delivered with the pads was just about as out-there as I could think of next to this device.

Oh and in the nick of case you haven't noticed by now I try to go for the less obvious story to surround the picture with.

I welcome your cards and letters.