Tuesday, August 13, 2024

I am going to keep BANGING ON about the paris olympics here. ((I guess I will be done now banging on about the olympics nowbecause it is over now.)) And yes in am intentionally not capitalizing both paris and olympic and its different sentence structure variants and anything to do with olympic. Just my little way to protest their total disregard for reality and in this instance sportsmanship. I will continue in this vein, not capitalizing words or names that I find contemptible. Similarly I will be striking through those words that I find offensive. And in that same vein I will be capitalizing and underscoring words that I feel do deserve respect.

I am now hearing that the ioc is hiding behind the passport gender identifier box tick [F] as the gold standard of a (in this instance) boxer's biological sex for their qualification to be in the women's (female) boxing matches. 

It seems to me that if countries would try to sneak a "doped" athlete into the olympic games by using fancy high-level chemistry sets and whatever else is involved with "doping" why wouldn't they just tick the gender [ ] box on a passport with [F] for a male athlete so the newly minted "female" athlete could "bring home the gold" while sending their competition home in a coma. (particularly in the combat sports) I can not imagine the courage took for the Italian Woman Boxer to stand up for herself in front of the World and to call the fight. She knew what was happening to herself and knew enough to not go home in a body bag. I have so much respect for her. I personally think the Italian Woman Boxer should have thrown off the now bullshit olympic boxing rules because the ioc threw off the rules first, and sucker punched the absolute compound living FUCK out of that algerian sheethead when he ever so condescendingly approached the Italian Woman Boxer and patted the Italian Woman boxer on her back with the immortal words of Sheldon Cooper "There there" probably ringing in her ears . ((Incoming update alert It seems that the Italian Woman Boxer has had a change of heart and reconsidered her position on not shaking the algerian shithead's hand after the "fight". Italy probably was informed that ISIS had threatened some terrorist rioting shit. Italy probably received a strongly worded letter from the mayor of paris, the president france, the ioc and ISIS.)) That was not an olympic style points fight That was a man brutalizing a Woman. Again, I think the Italian Woman Boxer should have gone totally berserker mode and I that mean in the truest of ways. The METH crazed ways, PCP crazed ways, Bath Salt crazed ways (Synthetic cathinones what ever the fuck those/that is/are) Total RAGE Berserker action. Empty the dugouts action, refs and security grabbing at her action, carrying her swinging, cursing and spitting action, Fight club action, "dogs and cats living together" (Ghost busters reference) action, Return Home a National Hero action! Bloody up that mans face, disfigured him for life action. Maybe even blinded him in one eye just like the ioc is blind action. She probably would have been thrown ALL the way out of paris and france and boxing for for that matter for"Unsportsmanlike" behavior but in the immortal words of Dead Pool "Worth it".

Algeria does not the money for the big-deal high-level super-secretive doping projects like the Russian or the Chinese do. But a simple paper pushing hack and the male athlete now an [F] in the sex/gender box on his passport and Presto-e-chango, and the WOKE, DEI, feelings before science agenda driven ask no questions  ioc will turn a BLIND eye because of the feelings of country of origin of this freshly minted [F] athlete said so. Corruption alert. The ioc and the world used to be ever  SOOOooo very touchy about blood doping and Illegal performance enhancing substances. What about illegal performance enhancing genetics and chromosomes. Blood doping tests are simple blood tests administered to EVERY athlete. Why would they totally disregard a sex identifier test? Especially now that gender fluidity has gone mainstream. The one true gold standard test for the sex [M] or [F] is a chromosome test. Not based on the feelings of the athlete and not the feelings of the country of origin. Simple Biology.  Its not like they can mess around with this genetic marker specifically for the olympics. They have disqualified so many athletes for blood doping over the years. I hope now chromosomal genetic testing will become standard. But in the immortal words of Mark Twain "I hope it but I doubt it".

It seems to me that if the governing body regulating the world of boxing the, International Boxing Association, the IBA, have rules for this sort of thing. And did in fact disqualify this algerian athlete from competing in the women's category in the world championships for this very reason. Perhaps the ioc should take IBA rules a little more seriously. Not just dismiss them completely out of hand in favor of advancing the WOKE, DEI agenda. The IBA rules are in place of the actual physical safety of the boxers across the Globe, not the feelings of the boxers across the Globe. ((Incoming update alert. It seems that the IBA's ethics is now under intense scrutiny. Lack of financial transparency. Just like every other body of governance on the planet it seems. Go figure.))

The last time I can remember that there was this much DRAMA involving the olympics was the 72 Munich olympics. And ISIS, and their ilk, haven't even have the nerve to try that stunt again. I believe Mossad saw to that. ISIS et al sat by and let paris and the ioc do their work this time. (( Notice that I did capitalize ISIS because they stand up for their principals, as violent and deadly as they are.)) paris and the ioc are just slipery, slimy, unprincipled, greedy fucks. Yea I said it, FUCKS. No principals, no morals, no ethics, no common sense, no sense of right and wrong, no sense of fair play. No sense at all. I thought the whole idea of the olympics was fair play. A level playing field especially in the combative events. But I guess they don't feel that way anymore.

I know that each city takes the opportunity to put their "stamp" on the olympics held in their city. But WOW what a stamp. paris just stomped down on the throat of good taste with this olympiad. And the ioc just showed themselves to be feckless, spinless, woke agenda pushers. This reminds me budlite debacle. I wonder if the mayor of paris is going to stand by the artistic director of this olympic spectacle or quietly fire them and the committee "they" rode in on. I say "they" not because I am being sensitive to their pronoun demands but because I just don't know who this person is. I cant imagine the global internet snooping that is befalling paris and the fucks that let this shit out of the minds (of the fucks who ate some suspect mushrooms in their vegan salads) and onto the drawing boards and then into committee meetings and then out of committee meetings and onto the televisions of the entire world. I really hope that the weapons grade investigation turns up the same level of depravity as was found out about that thomas fuck who had to sue his way on to the team. I mean every other city has had pride in their show. Japan, China, Brazil even Russia put on respectful shows. The opening ceremony is supposed to be a show for the entire world a proud statement about their city, their national heritage, their country and what was and is best in them. Oooooohhh wait just a minute "hole' up"...  I was going to say where is their pride. But then it slapped me in the face that the meaning of the word pride, like so many others lately,  has crept or migrated. (Watch this George Carling video for the true meaning of word creep) I don't know if pride day/month is celebrated the same in Europe or the rest of the world as it is in the USA but perhaps that is what we just saw. First we have pride parades, then we have pride month and now we have pride olympics.

Paris can call their mockery of ALL of things Christian satire or parody or hide it by calling it a live depiction of  "Feast of the Gods" painting supposedly similar to the "Last Supper" by Leonardo Da Vinci. Those paintings, in my opinion, are not nearly similar enough to make that claim. paris has always been a wild and crazy, free wheeling, artsy city so maybe they can hide their shame in that. But I don't think that even the city Amsterdam, a city world renown for being a wild and crazy drug addled Crazy Train Depot would have would have put on that show. 

So the olympics is over now. I am happy to say that I did NOT partake in the closing ceremonies. At the same time I feel a certain level of remorse for not watching those athletes that participated in these olympics. Most of them deserve to be seen and congratulated for that participation.