Thursday, August 19, 2010


    In attempt to inject some fun into the rather feted pool of unpleasantness that this blog has become have decided for better or worse to participate in a Friday Flash Fiction... um thing and maybe I will try out some other similar stuff as well. Who knows where this could lead, NST, possibly HNT.
Below the post is a button to find out what this is all about.
Sooo here we go.

    The three of them stared at me when I burst through the doors. I was lost in the Palace and was desperate to find my way back to the Ball. Two of them glared at me, their eyes were somehow accusing, the third looked to be imploring me to come in and render aid of some sort. Suddenly I realized that she was looking at my codpiece with a hungry eye. The others continued to glare; willing me and my codpiece to burst into flames and drift away like a mote of dust drifting in a shaft of morning sun streaming in through a window. Dressed as they were I was struck by the half full or half empty glass puzzle… are these two women half dressed or half undressed, and are they helping this other woman into or out of her gown? Perhaps, had I lasted just a few more moments in the armory with the Princess, receiving my first Royal blowjob, this situation might have evolved sufficiently for me to make a more complete evaluation, but alas, my future Mother in-law must not be kept waiting, something about an after dinner snack.


Anonymous said...

Haha nice twist! Welcome to FFF :)


Calliope said...

I am so glad you are back to writing and partaking in the fun that is the "blogger" world!

Anonymous said...

LOL! Quirky! delightful.

Laura said...

At least he's getting his exercise.