I wonder... does God need my help?
Some how I don't think so. Does God need me to help police people and peoples thoughts.
The more I read about the bible and the way and times that it was written the more I wonder; Does God need my help.
I am thinking... This is a God that created something, every thing. So far with all our (human) intellect and wizzy science stuff we can neither create nor destroy any thing... not one tiny thing. God, on the other hand, did, in a single stroke, create all that we can see, all that we can not see, just all that there is.
So any way... the point of this post Gay marriage. (the last time I typed this line the power went out soooo I wonder...) any way I don't think that Gay Marriage in and of its self is a Horrible thing. Why should I stand between two people, any two people, if they want to ruin their lives with a piece of paper from the government/state. I used to be very against Gay Marriage and but that thinking was principally a semantic point for me. I have been beat-up about playing semantic games before. I didn't like the idea of Gay Marriage because Marriage, in my mind is/was a religious thing... see the Rant alert post (quite a ways down for the gist of that thinking). But on other issues where religion thinking/ideals pushes against human needs/rights (Abortion) is it my place to stand for God in those places? At one level I think so and another I think not so... hence the question... Does God need my help? This brings up a couple lines from the bible... am I my brother's keeper? I don't recall the precise wording but the idea that if you are only lukewarm then you are not appealing to God and he will spit you out like you might spit out so much ummm... splooge.
I suppose that drags up the whole separation of church and state question and that is WAAAAY more than I bargained for at the beginning of this post.
You were beat up for semantics huh? Who gave you this beating? Was it a good beating? Did you like it? These are question inquiring minds want to know. ;)
It was more of a whipping... an ass whipping
So did you like it? (Sorry couldn't resist.)
I love a good ass whipping... but I have to say it depends heavily on the whipper and their skill with the blade. If the whipping is delivered by a non-thinking brute with no intent but to bruise and damage then no but it the delivery is from a thinking person with the intent of exciting a thoughtful reaction then yes.
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