Thursday, July 23, 2009

The woman who loves me...

She must be the strongest most patient, loving person, man or woman, ever to walk this planet, with the possible exception of Christ him self. She has tolerated my... "stuff" for YEARS. I love her. I hope she continues to love me, she is so wonderful. She is a blessing beyond measure and a curse. The blessing is easy to see.. the curse... she holds me to a higher standard. She makes me want to be a better man. I am, however, lazy, so its often times difficult. And lets be honest its tough to work along side Wonder Woman and keep up your end.
I read a blog today where in a woman was questioning her relationship with her long time love. It seems he is a sanitation engineer or something blue collar along those lines. His is a good job which pays well with benefits and security. She is an attorney or equal white collar. She has HIGH aspirations and wants more... he is happy. She is wondering if they are going to want the same things soon... At a certain level I wonder/worry the same thing.

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